FSI Machine Vision – High Frequency Florescent or LED?

High Frequency Florescent or LEDA properly engineered lighting solution is one of the most important components of an automatic inspection system. Manufacturers often wonder what type of light will do the best job. LED lights have become a popular choice for machine vision lighting in recent years for a variety of reasons:

  • Bright, targeted light is emitted
  • Light never fades, bulbs rarely burn out
  • Ideal for applications that need a light with a high cycling rate

However, often times the wiser choice is to go with a high-frequency fluorescent light. Advantages to this type of light are:

  • More economical
  • Bright, uniform light over a larger emissive area

The type of inspection you are doing, the differences you are attempting to highlight and your overall budget will lead you towards the ideal light for your solution. For more information about machine vision lighting, visit www.fsinet.com/Vision-Lighting.htm.